miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

American Corner on the go: Access Summer Camp 2016 (Educational Fair)

On January 12, American Corner was presented with its stand in the Educational Fair executed by Access Program during its Summer Camp week; In total 300 students came from different points of Nicaragua (Jinotepe, La Concepción , Masaya, Granada, Managua, Rivas, León, El Castillo- Rio San Juan and Ciudad Sandino) participated in this activity as part of its educational growing . This educational fair counted on with 6 universities (UNICA, Martin Lutero UML, Keiser University, UAM, Martin Luther King Jr., and UCA) which explained them about their careers, educational programs and campus. EducationUSA and U.S Embassy had their stands giving information about scholarships, programs and Study opportunities.

The American Corner (AC) interacted with Access Students giving them information about our labor as library and program. We pretended with this, being and option for the English Learning growing for these teenagers. A space where they can make their investigation using our ideal resources for English Learning.

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