viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

International Student Day at American Corner (Free University Fair Online) - Nov.

On November 18th American Corner's Users had the opportunity to participate in the International Student Fair Online. The purpose of this event was the students were allowed to ask questions and receive piece of advice directly at the college representative. They likewise could watch live presentations and join online chat. Each individual has chosen 5 different universities from The United States with the intention to obtain a scholarship related to the career they have been studying these years. The event lasted all day long.

Webinar 17.6/ “Make it Meaningful: Bringing Learning to Life with Culturally Relevant Teaching”. Nov

On November 18th the last session of webinar of the year was witnessed to 25 people young from different. It was presented by Tabitha Kidwell. She explained to us an easy methodology to build relationships with students in the classroom such as spend time with them, activities at the beginning of the class, open-ended questions. These tools help us to expand our knowledge in the English environment.

The Last session Of the Webinar was filled... Congratulation Cesar Fitoria.

Smithsonian institution by American Corner Coordinator - Nov

On November 19th American Corner coordinator explained to the users about Smithsonian institution. This useful tool consists of 19 museums and galleries, the national zoological park and 9 research facilities. It gives to the visitors a lot of interesting information such as technology, history, art, geography, science, anthropology to art, fossils to funk, anthropology to zoology etc. “seriously amazing”. She likewise shared nice bags and pens to the people.

Play a wonderful videogame on Nintendo Wii and Dennis Martinez’s life; the most famous Nicaraguan baseball player at Major League Baseball (MLB).- Nov

On November 25th American Corner had the pleasure to receive 27 children from Mateare, Managua. The activity was about to explained to them how to play baseball. American Corner’s assistant shared them a little bit of Dennis Martinez’s life; the most famous Nicaraguan baseball player at Major League Baseball (MLB).They also had the opportunity to play a wonderful videogame on Nintendo Wii. They were happy with this amazing electronic gadget. After that they moved to A.C space inside Incer Barquero’s library to read some books .American corner coordinator gave them delicious candies.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Mobile Library - Hugo Chavez Community School - October

On October 13nd, Biblio –rueda visited Hugo Chavez Neirborhood  in Mateare . The audience was in total 50  (Children and teenagers).  The children  enjoyed the ebook,  during the activity all participants taste some juices and cookies and also to share the opinion about the ebook. 

Important activity: American Corner and Binational Center promoted the resources available at the corner and promoting the reading.

Halloween Celebration - Binational Center - October

Children from the Binational Center participated at the Halloween Celebration.  
The children had the opportunity to share this activity with candy and Book Reading.


La Embajadora Laura F. Dogu, participo en la Feria Internacional de la Cultura y la Amistad (FICA), realizada en la UCA.  La Embajadora Dogu estuvo en el Stand de la Embajada Americana, donde tomo un libro del Dr Seuss y estaba leyéndolo ya que informo que eran unos de sus libros preferidos. El material expuesto en la Feria eran de parte de American Corner.

Adultos Mayores en Taller de Manualidades - Octubre

Adultos mayores de Ciudad Sandino tuvieron la oportunidad en participar en tu Taller de Manualidades impartido por la Coordinadora de American Corner,  Ellos recibieron información de como se puede coordinar mas actividades a través de American Corner.

Técnicas sobre Taller de Lectura - Octubre

 15 profesores de los Colegios Públicos de Ciudad Sandino tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en el Talle Técnicas de Lecturas impartido por el Especialista de Lectura, Jose Maria Campos.  Esta actividad se llevo a cabo en las instalaciones de la Biblioteda Comunitaria de Ciudad Sandino.  El objetivo de este taller fue para que los profesores motiven a los estudiantes a leer y promover el habito de lectura desde temprana edad.

ebooks in Community Library - October

45 Children from the Community Library - Ciudad Sandino, participated at the ebook (eLibraryUSA).